Here comes Spring

We are already in March- how can that be? The temperatures around here are still pretty chilly, but the sunshine brings a feeling of spring. I definitely do better with a little sunshine and the days lasting a bit longer each day. My schedule is pretty packed- my other job or actually my other passion is training dogs. I specialize in training tracking dogs for Search and Rescue. Weekends are packed till October with courses and seminars. This last week I took a road trip to Oregon for a seminar. Driving through mountains, small towns, and farmlands has inspired many new ideas to put on canvas. My weekends maybe for the dogs, yet a couple weekdays are spent in the studio- my time to let creativity take over.

In the next week there will be some new work here - new minis! And, to celebrate a little thing that is happening in April for the month of April all minis will be $55- $20 off! Yes, i have a birthday in April and I will be 55! Holy shit- how did that happen??? Sometimes, I catch myself in the mirror and wonder who that old lady is? When did my hair get so white?

Please check back at the selection- get a little mini to celebrate spring and my 55!

And, no matter how old or young you maybe- live your passion! Do not give up on those dreams! Set goals, be inspired. Be brave! Let this sunshine inspire you to be all you can be! Happy Spring!


55 here I come!
