55 here I come!

Another trip around the sun. I can’t believe I have already been around so many times! I feel like I am just getting started. So much to do, so many things to create, to experience, to be and see! Birthdays for me are always a time to reflect, and make goals (or, at least a to do list for the next year). I am thankful for this time around, thankful that I have celebrated holidays with family again, spent some time with a couple of dear old friends, that the band is starting to practice again (surprise I am in a band!), that my work is amazing and I get to help others reach their goals and play with a lot of dogs, and I am thankful for my art. I am thankful that my brain comes up with ideas and I just start coloring them in. Of course, I am human and there are always regrets. Some big, the kind that when you wake up from a hot flash (another great thing about 55- hahaha) in the middle of the night you can’t get back to sleep. Eventually, I fall asleep for an hour or two and wake to a new day and another chance to get it right. Thankful for all that I have- my wife that has put up with all my changing ideas for the last 25 years! My dogs that are as crazy as I am. My Mom, who stopped by today to bring me a gift and coffee: and insists on making me dinner tomorrow night to celebrate. My Dad just because he is my Dad and always there. Yes, at 55 I am still their girl and I am so lucky that I am. Then there is my brother- the first Happy Birthday I received today! Thank you Tim! Yes, life is good at 55 at least so far. Thank you all for the Birthday wishes and the encouragement to keep on painting! Check out the mini collection- I still have a few more to add, To celebrate my birthday all minis are $55.00 till May 11. 2022. Birthday celebrations should at least last a month!

A friend sent me this quote today from one of Mary Oliver’s poems-

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

I am putting this up where I can see it everyday.

Don’t let it slip by- be Brave, be Beautiful, be You! My birthday wish is for all of you to have the best year yet. I am hoping to too!



2023- here it comes!


Here comes Spring