
This is my favorite time of year, my favorite season. Time for my favorite sweater and hat. Time to bake cookies and make a stew for dinner. Walks in the wind, or getting lost in the studio on a rainy day. The colors outside are vibrant- orange, red, the greens get brighter with each drop of rain. Today all I wanted to do was get lost in the paint- so many ideas floating through my head- it was hard to stay on the business side of things and get those phone calls made, and complete the long list of to dos.

Tomorrow I am remerchandising a small store I have the pleasure to work at a few times a year. I worked retail for years, and found my creative outlet as a merchandiser- this time of the year was always the busiest with the holidays approaching quickly. Tomorrow, I am sure a few twinkled lights will go up with the great possibility of a pumpkin in the window soon to be replaced with a gift idea. Yes, I think this maybe my favorite time of year because the holidays are approaching- and the new year.

Even if every year seems to go by more quickly than the last, I always look forward to the start up of the new year. I am not one for New Year’s resolutions- yet, I am one for setting goals, making plans, and moving forward. Yup, that does sound like a New Year’s resolution doesn’t it???? I just do not like to start it on January 1st. I like to set those goals in motion now. Time for change as the leaves change color and then get blown from their branches. As the branches are bare working to make changes new habits so when the leaves bloom again the goals are being made and the changes taking place.

This website has been part of my changes this year, and next month it will continue with an open house. Inviting people in to share my work- scary but exciting all at once.

Whatever your favorite season maybe, the joy of the seasons are the changes. Something exciting happening in each one. Red leaves, first snow, sun warming our faces, the first bloom or peapod of the season. Without change there would be no seasons- what do you want to change?

I know I like change more than others, I live with some one that literally will get ill just thinking about change. I think 20 plus years with me she is finally feeling like change can be good and it doesnt mean the sky is falling.

Not to say that changes are not difficult. In the last year we all have had some big changes. Our world has changed. Our beliefs have divided many of us. I hope for us all in this new year to find likeness in one another again not just division. That we can talk over our differences not talk over one another. As the leaves change maybe we all can change a bit too. As they fall to the ground, may we find grace within each other and our differences. As they bloom in the next year may we find a smile to a stranger, and to a friend. To have a difference in opinion does not make us enemies- to have our own beliefs, thoughts, dreams, hopes makes us human.




Hello and Welcome